Telephone Scammers are Posing as Deputies

The Clark County Sheriff’s Office has received numerous calls from people in Clark County and surrounding counties advising they are receiving phone calls from a Deputy Combs from the Clark County Sheriff’s Office. The caller advises they either have a warrant for their arrest or they have missing jury duty and a warrant is being issued. In some cases, the caller is asking for money to be sent on a prepaid debit card to pay the fine to avoid an arrest. Most of the calls have been coming from the following beginning prefix: 937-541.

The Clark County Sheriff’s Office does not request money over the phone for any type of warrant and we also do not call and ask anyone to send money for a fine that is not paid. The above phone call is a SCAM. Please disregard these calls and hang up on the caller. Do not for any reason send any money or give any personal information over the phone to them. If they try to tell you that a family member is in jail and they need bail money, please contact our office first to see if that person is actually in jail. Again, we will not for any reason ask for any money over the phone.

If you have any questions, please contact Detective Brian Melchi at the Clark County Sheriff’s Office at 937-521-2068.


Posted January 5, 2018